Today is Isabel's husband's birthday. She is doing an interweb-wide happy birthday for him. So here it goes since The King is our friend too!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Happy Birthday The King!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Knitting projects 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11
So as you can tell, I've been a busy little bee knitting. There has been an onslaught of babys, and requests for things, so unfortunately the Professor and Gawain have been keeping eachother busy while I've been knitting as fast as I can. Here are the finished products:

A meathead hat for a precious baby boy, embellished with a cool wooden button
Another meathead hat for another precious baby, not embellished this time
Meathead hat #3 for a baby girl, embellished with a crocheted pink flower
A luxurious baby blanket for the above button baby boy
My attempt to make my 25 year old sister a skull and crossbones hat like the Professor's.....
Obviously size 6 needles were perfect for a new hat for the Professor, not so perfect for a hat for my sister....
There, size 8 needles worked much better.....
Monday, March 9, 2009
In which I geek out on you
A couple of weeks ago I got an email from Gawain announcing that there was a raffle at work to go see the Battlestar Galactica series finale at the Science Fiction Museum! Holy crap! So awesome!! We love Battlestar Galactica! I emailed back as quick as I could type to enter right away. He said he already had and our chances were pretty good since he was pretty sure there weren't many other awesome people (read: geeks) interested in such things.
The following employees will be placed on the VIP list for the season finale viewing of Battlestar Galactica on Friday, March 20 in the JBL Theater at the Science Fiction Museum:
- Loi Nguyen
- Gawain
- Walt Glass
- Bill Davis
- Gemma Mercado
No tickets are necessary. Your names will be on a VIP list at the Museum.
Oh my gosh! So awesome! We are on a VIP list? We get to watch it on a big screen! We may win fabulous prizes! We are very excited to get to go. Now, the only thing to decide is to dress up as characters, or just make a t-shirt and what should go on that t-shirt....(make sure to click on the pictures so you can get the full effect and make an educated vote)
Should we go as Apollo and Starbuck?
President Roslin and Admiral Adama?
or Gaius Baltar and Caprica 6?
Or what is your fabulous idea for a t-shirt? We are getting excited! (also because Gawain's parents are going to let the Professor spend the night at their house...yippiee we get to sleep in!)