Hope you have a FABULOUS Halloween!!

Yes, the only thing that actually makes this costume a "tooth fairy" costume is my mouth mirror "wand" (and it was one of the youth's idea that it would be cool to have my ipod in the picture...whatever)

The only time I"ve been lucky enough to have Gawain dress up for Halloween...4 years ago!

Poor mini pumpkins, never had a chance!

The Professor, super excited Halloween Morning

Our pumpkins this year

Froggy aka Captain Jack Sparrow
Ok, you are just so awesomely halloweeny! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your costume; you look so pretty and skinny and cute and frankly, I am jealous. Froggy looks ADORABLE in his pirate costume; that is just too funny. Can't wait to see the professor's costume. TRICK OR TREAT!
Vespa! I haven't been to your blog in months - i haven't been to mine in months either!
The prof has grown heaps! wow!
AND i so wanted to thank you so very very much for sugesting the vapouriser thing - I went to the chemist and asked them and they said they don't have that particular one but suggested a bigger vicks one which i bought straight away and used for weeks and baby's nosed cleared up! So thank you so very much. I had no idea this would help and no one except u told me. so thanks again.
we are ok. baby is 16weeks old and we still haven't blessed him. so have planned to do that in 2 weeks time. will try to update blog soon. u truly look like a fairy in that pic! =)
I love your pumpkins!
Someone at church brought a Jesus one on Sunday. It was pretty awesome.
Best freaking punkin evar. And also, Froggy looks amazing!
Todays word image was ganitlen
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