Those of you who have or do live in Washington will understand the cruelty of February. In the midst of the gray and cold, many February's offer up one week of false hope that spring has arrived. Amazing and beautiful blue skies accompanied by temperatures in their 60's, or upper 50's at the least. If you don't watch yourself, you will end up with a jagged razor pressed to your inner arms by March when the cold and gray return and dominate until very late Spring...and then the gray sticks around until the end of July. Well, Vesper and I are no fools. When we saw and felt this February's weather ignis fatuus we threw Froggy in the car and boogied on down to Lincoln Park to soak up as much of the goodness as we could before it all blew away like a cruel dream.
As seen in the picture we were not the only ones with the foresight to take advantage of the brief respite.

We even found this fantastic drift wood fort on the beach. (Complete with dried Christmas Tree...for instant fiery death!)

The weather even made the ferries look appealing. (Though the fleet is full of ancient, rusting, cracking death traps)
And yes...there was even an evil eye sighting that made all hobits run for cover.

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