Already bagged things are $1.25. Anything not bagged is either 3 for a $1 or 2 for $1 or some insanely cheap amount per lb. In fact, I go in there so often, sometimes the nice lady behind the counter just lets me have stuff for free (like a single jalapeno pepper or a tiny little thing of ginger). There is a catch, in that they don't always have the same things (like for a while they had a giant bag of romaine hearts for $1.25, haven't seen that in a while) but if you aren't picky they have lots of stuff to enjoy. The best thing we've found twice now is a bag of about 50 key limes for $1.25. at the store 1 lb (about 30 limes) is 4.99, and it takes 22 limes to make our favorite dessert. The quality is actually suprisingly good for the price you are paying. I see them outside pulling off the bad bits of lettuce and bok choy and just putting the good stuff in bags. They may be smoking while they are doing it, but hey, I wash it all of when I get home anyway, right?
Friday, April 17, 2009
The price is right!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Spring at last
So I've been meaning to post this for quite some time, inspired by my friend Caboose's blog when she did a similar post. Enjoy the first signs of spring (from like a month ago actually....)
Monday, April 13, 2009
rBiggest Loser (not Really) Week 1 Report
Well, week 1 of the Biggest Loser (not really) contest has come to its conclusion. Here are the rankings:
Those who have zero points (miles) are those who haven't reported their totals yet. Hopefully they'll report in to Vesper sometime soon so we can update the chart. An abnormal Monday has apparently put me barely in the lead after 1 week. The perfect storm of perfect weather enabled me to run further than I usually do, to go on a long walk with Vesper and the Professor, AND to help terrace the backyard of our friends the Alls. It was a points orgy through and through. Since I am addicted to charts and spreadsheets and tend to be an utter nerd I've gone a bit nuts with my tracking spreadsheet here. (Make sure you check out all of the links at the top to get the full effect. And you better believe that if I think of any more ways to slice and dice the data I will.)
The biggest disappointment of the week for me was that I did not successfully complete the weekly challenge of no chocolate and 10 minutes of stretching a day. In an unthinking moment on Friday night about 11 o'clock I ate 3 Oreo's. After I had realized what I had done it took a LOT of effort not to scream vulgarities at the top of my lungs. I would have been at peace if it had been a conscious decision to eat chocolate...but I was just looking for something sweet. It was damnable to say the least. Vesper and I are dead set on this weeks challenge of 30 minutes of exercise per day and no caffeine.
All in all it was a pretty good start for the both of us. Only 11 weeks to go and a Private to destroy on my end. The first place prize would look nice on us.
Monday, April 6, 2009
It's Not Really the Biggest Loser

Also, the thought just occured to me that if any of you out in the wilderness of the world wide web would care to join in on the fun, just email us. The competition just started today and we could tack a day (or two) on the end of your spreadsheets (provided by the Biggest Loser, Not Really committee of Vesper) to make all things fair. Don't be bashful, the more the merrier. If you have any questions, just email us.